A. The role of natural SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
Of human life requires material, both biotis and non-biotis. Biotis material things of life is a protein, while the material is nonbiotis objects do not survive as oxygen, stone, until the clothes we wear everyday. Objects are processed through technology, such as iron can be processed into another vehicle or object needs to manusia.i
The use of energy in the more widespread human life, in industry, transportation, and even households with the use of tools, electronic equipment such as AC, refrigerator, etc. (the form of electricity). Berwuwjud energy in various forms, namely the form of heat, movement (mechanics), light, chemical, nuclear, etc.. Forms of this can be changeable, for example, heat energy can be mechanical energy. This change occurred with the way the water into steam. Steam heat bertekanan the higher the rotor of a turbine. Movement turbine can be used for various purposes. Mechanical energy can also be changed into another form of energy, namely electricity, where the result of playing akan dynamo generated electricity. Electrical energy can also be modified chemical energy that is the way stream direction to the flow of electricity in chemical substances, for example, in penyepuhan. Similarly, the chemical energy can be changed back into electrical energy, light energy or the other. For example, on a stone battery, chemical energy that flowed diahsilkan if the bulb then will light energy. Pad the other cases, chemical energy can diunbah a fireworks explosion (heat and light energy). Ii
From the description above, it can be concluded that energy is eternal, or does not have the energy will be lost, but metamorphosis occurs energi.Berikut described several forms of energy used in daily life, such as electricity and nuclear energy that has been used by the state-negra maju.iii
a.Energi Electricity
Next will be discussed tendang power plant and its use for the equipment electronics.
1) Power Water Power
The principle of working PLTA are as follows:
From a dam, the water flowed through a tunnel by using the tool controller. Tunnel was constructed so that water falling from a height of 100 m or more to change the potential energy into mechanical energy is large. Water on the other end of the tunnel on hold by the water turbine mdan with encouragement eair, the turbine rotates. Turbine rotation is used to rotate the generator or engine power. Electricity generated by the generator and set tekanannya changed by a transformer. From here, power flowed to the regions that need. Before flowed to households, derived through voltasenya transformer so that more electricity generated in accordance with the needs of the household. Indonesia is usually used in the voltage 220 volt or 110 volt. AIT further out of the turbine that can be used for irrigation pertanian.iv
2) Power Diesel Power
Principle, almost the same as the PLTA, with the generator power, but the power of this diesel engine is used. Diesel engine chosen as an alternative because it can be placed according kebituhan, while diesel fuel is a much cheaper price than the price premium.v
On this type of power, electrical energy from chemical energy of combustion of diesel oil. This is an example of change in chemical energy into mechanical energy, and energy into electricity. Diesel oil itself actually comes from the times of ancient fossil life, while the fossil form of conservation of energy radiation from the sun through asimilasi. From here we can see the flow of energy changes that occur in nature. vi
3) Power Nuclear Power
Before discussing about the power nbuklir, will be discussed first on nuclear energy or nuclear energy itself. According to the theory of Rutherford and Bohr, atoms consist of electrons, electrons that encircle the core atom and had a negative power. vii
Core atom consists of a proton and a positive cargo netron the netral.Atom be the most simple atom is hydrogen (H) consisting of a proton and a core sebgai electrons that encircle the core of the skin. Atom is a simple Helium (He), which consists of 2 fruits and 2 fruits proton netron and 2 as the core electrons as fruit skins. Atom-atom of the atom that has a skin flake and core atomnya larger. For example uranium atom with a 7 layer skin electron atom with the number of 92, essentially consisting of 92 proton and 146 netron.viii
Nulir energy is energy that arises due to splitting the core atom. In general, the atom is parsed atom has a nucleus of a large atom, such as uranium. The principle of splitting the atom is to shoot with the results netron-shedding substances of other radioactive substances. Core atom split into parts of the small issue with a great energy and netron-netron the bersal of the core is broken. Nuclear energy is the energy that comes from the binding eneggi atom. Energy that is out beru [pa hot, hot in the reactor is absorbed by a liquid heat penyerap then flowed into the water so the water is boiling, and evaporate. This is the steam which is then used to drive a steam turbine generator power the next. So nuclear energy is not directly converted into electrical energy, but changed into heat energy and steam into energy. ix
Current outbreak defusi the atom called the nucleus (disintegration). Nuclear energy can also arise on the way, the two core tergabungnya atomic nucleus to be larger. For example, the two energy of hydrogen (Deuterium) is the core Helium (He ³) plus a netron. This event is called a fusion core. Core fusion produces enormous energy that can not be used for the hydrogen bomb. Until now, humans can not control the energy produced from fusion reactions for peaceful purposes. x
Next will be discussed tools electronics as the development of electrical energy. Tools are used widely in various fields, including fields of communication, information, transportation, etc.. One of the most frequently used and the progress that has grown very rapidly this is the computer.
4) Computers
Computer is pengembanga of discovery-discovery of electronic equipment that has been there before. After successfully finding Faraday electric energy, followed by the invention of light bulb by Thomas Edison and start Alfa pop electronic equipment such as a radio, television and the computer. And from the tool, people can find other tools, such as: xi
a) Phone Encyclopedia
People can play the numbers and the central computer ensilopedia akan mendapatan answers with appropriate information about the security issue or a topic in the withdrawal sabagai encyclopedia. Description can be obtained quickly as needed to play only with the phone number.
b) Household Robot servant
Adults can purchase this manusa robot-robot run by omputer for eperluan household. For example paaian for washing, washing dishes, making drinks, cut grass, cut trees, etc..
c) Consult with the Doctor Through Phone
People can play a central computer the phone number to get a doctor-diagnosis on the first level of health in relation to the subject feels. Diagnosis is obtained after the data is felt that symptoms included in the computer through the radio.
d) Shop By Phone / Internet
Now shopping can be done via phone and internet. Goods that can be purchased are items that have been distandardisasi in the supermarket. This can be done if people want to have a shopping catalog items to be purchased.
e) Information Center
Experts and specialists in various fields, such as lawyers, doctors, and engineers can easily obtain accurate data and information that is required or through the computer center because the information is able to store computer data / information, and many quickly return to the show that membutuhan .
f) Computer Simulation
The industrialist or entrepreneur can experiment simulatif the prototypes of a machine that is being designed by a designer. With the simulation, the cost can be esperimen become cheaper.
g) Robot Workers
The utilization of robots can be done by industrialist as workers in the factory so that work becomes more rapid, accurate, and possible to be cheaper. Robots are used in computers that have been programmed to work specifically. For example in a car factory robot perakit used car, used in factory peracik bread dough bread, etc..
h) Robot necessity for Scientific Experiments
Ilmuan in the developed countries take advantage of robot-robot that is driven in terprogram through omputer used for the experiment melakuan esplorasi or in places of risk jia performed by humans. For example, exploration in the month, the planet Mars, Venus, planet-planet or other radioactive compound in the experiment, etc..
i) Computer Analysis for Various necessity
Computers can be utilized for the purpose of which is very complex, for example, to meramalan weather. For government agencies, particularly the personnel, the computer will be very useful in storing data on energy in a range of government so that when necessary, can set the placement of recruitment is appropriate expertise efficiently.
Police state can identify with the villain-ssegala nature is through the computer so that you can quickly capture the memerisa and penjaat who like to follow with a crime or act the same way. When the computer has been used for translation, ie a language to translate directly into another language by using sound analysis. For example in the UN council, the council can use the headphone according to the language of domination.
Nuclear b.Energi
Next will be discussed about the nature and influence in the nuclear kehiduan man.
1) The influence of being Radiasi Life
Nature of the radioactive rays can be used for the eradication of pests, such as the insects that merusa coffee in the warehouse, the materials of wood, the material maanan, etc.. Killing of microbes can be used in principle pegawetan food, such as fish, rice, wheat, etc.. This can also be used in menyuci hamaan tools kedoteran, it is more practical arena membutuhan not heat that high can damage the equipment is. This does not require chemicals, in addition to the equipment can be sterilized in eadaan terbungkus rapikarena gamma rays can penetrate the wrapping and damage to kill the bacteria without wrapping.
Growth constraints
This can save the tubers for dimanfaatan, stem, etc. in the storage area.
Changes in nature-the nature of genetic
In genetic science, nature inherited through the genes found in the cell nucleus. Genetic change or mutation can change the default attributes maluk life. Radioactive rays can cause mtasi genetik.Sifat this is dimanfaatan to search for new seeds that is superior, for example, in rice, wheat, corn, etc..
2) Nuclear Pemuliaan for Rice and Other Tumbuhan
Nature of gamma rays can cause mutation of genes in the seeds can produce a mutant are beneficial for human life. For example, rice that age shorter, more fruit, pest-resistant, and so on. In addition to searching for a mutant resistant to drought with a goal to get the type of rice is planted on dry land (gogo).
On the same principle, mutation genes can also apply to other food plants, such as wheat, maize, corn, peanut, soybean, etc.. In this way there will be hope for us to obtain the type of plants that can meet human needs.
3) for the Nuclear Industry
Industrial wood
Wood quality can be improved with the soaking liquid in a timber of plastic material. Terseut material when the radiation will be plastic. Thus, the quality of the wood because the wood can be improved to become more hard and very resistant to bad weather and insect resistant to interference.
Fiber Textile Industry
Fiber-fiber fabrics from natural or artificial (poliester) can be changed so that the quality is better aan. Poliester sulir fibers absorb water so it feels hot. With the help of radiation, dibuatlah new nature that can absorb water and also easy to absorb color. Fiber polipropilen can also absorb water and heat resistant.
Skin Industries
Skin is used in industrial bags, shoes, etc. can ditingkataan ualitasnya with the radiation process. However, this process requires the right dose because if excessive can damage the skin.
Food canning industry
Curing is done in a way to kill germs pembusuk through radiation. Eunggulan how this is not membutuhan heating, evaporation, and without preservative, in addition to the food aan not damaged due to heating. Other advantage is the preservation of food has made ketia meeting terbungkus so that contamination does not occur after the curing process is done. Examples of food preserved in this manner is rice, potatoes, wheat, meat, dried fruits, vegetables and grains.
4) Nuclear for Health
In the health field, is used to make nuclear diagnosis in a disease. Its use in general is using X-ray, but the result is less satisfactory and have side effects. Diagnosed with substance radioatif short and small berdosis can memberian more information about the disease that exists in the body of the patient. An example is the use when determining the position of umor or cancer, lung rudiment, rudiment thyroid, kidney rudiment, etc..
5) in the Nuclear Industry Radiografi
Photo rays on a broken bone or lungs of a sick merupaan example use X-ray In the construction industry, psinsip that can be used to check the steel pipe-PIA, lunaskapal, etc.. By using gamma rays, the image can be more clear so that cracks can be more easily detected. In Indonesia, the technique has been used by PLN, Pertamina, PJKA, etc..
6) in the Nuclear Hidrology
In hydrology, radioatif substances used as perunut, with the road memasua substances radioatif to the system, then tingah lakunya dipantaudengan monitoring tools, eg, Geiger Teller. The results can provide information about the system, for example, seepage velocity, rembsan in the land, and the direction of seepage. Another example is the oxygen-oxygen monitor radioactive leakage conduit buried in the ground, the direction of water velocity, and ground water debit.
7) Nuclear Pollution environment for study
Can be used for nuclear mendetesi level of radioactive contamination with a compound know as perunut for the distribution, accumulation, and the nature of pollutant in the environment. For example, the amount of heavy metal elements, attributes of the remaining pesticides, etc.. This basically can help people to protect themselves against the danger of pollution that occur in the environment.
Premium a.Mesin
This machine consists of the cylinder, piston and wheel successor. Premium is mixed with air (O2) terpercik rise to power take-off by burning. Premium gasify, menimbulakn great pressure, and teanan that mendorog piston and the wheel and the next successor will cause movement in other components.
b.Mesin Diesel
The principle of the diesel engine is the same as the premium engine, which is to distinguish the form of diesel fuel.
c.Mesin Steam
This machine is a machine that is found early, the fuel comes from the steam obtained from the heating water. If the number of molekulnya the meeting, will cause more pressure and this pressure was changed into mechanical energy. This engine uses fuel wood or coal. This system is still used in nuclear power plants.
d.Mesin Jet
This machine is widely used in aircraft. Arranged on the tube pembaaran the refractory, a mouth to enter the air tube into the burner, compressor and shaft gas waster in the back. Further developed this engine into turbo engine. Fuel used by the jet engine is a liquid that burned in the burner tube which had been mixed with oxygen or air.
Media communication is very important, there has been since the early 15 th century with the newspaper. With the mass media, information can spread in the community even with the limited means of transportation available.
Ditemuan tool in the early 18-century and continue to progress. In the 19th century, it has to reach Europe and North America. Lat Eunggulan this is can melaukan communication distance in a short time.
The tool is found by Bell in 1876 after finding telegraph. Excellence is the phone can communicate directly, such as two-way conversation in general.
This tool does not require wires or cables such as telephone or telegraph. Messages sent through this transmitter in the air. With this tool, communication can be done by seamen in the middle of the sea.
e.Bioskop or Live Picture
These complement the information presented as the voice arena sealigus picture.
Menajuban findings is that in the 20th century this arena can transmit live images and sound. This information can be accessed by most people because television is not that strange. With satellite television emanated so that viewers can enjoy television entertainment and information that is presented.
g.Satelit Communication
Principles such as using satellite days that always beset the earth and does not fall, with memanfaatan tensile strength and decline with the decline earth. Satellite communication memancaran working in broadcast radio and televisisekalipun are in a different hemisphere. Satellites are also working in the field of defense and security and development.
a.Bioteknologi Medical
Midwives in the medical technology used in the X-ray in Radiology, in addition to the laser ray is used for operating equipment in the human body. Utilization of technology is to wash hamakan medical equipment using radioactive rays. The invention of the more sophisticated sperm banks and frozen tube baby, but this is still a kotroversi because of restrictions and religious norms. Through the role of technology, pencangkokan body organs can be done well. Reayasa with the creation of genetic vaccine can be made so that treatment can be done completely. Hemofili disease can also be cured with genetic engineering.
b.Bioteknologi Pharmaceuticals
Through technology, have been found
c.Bioteknologi Agriculture
d.Bioteknologi Husbandry
1.Dampak Natural Sciences and Technology Needs of the Main
2.Dampak Natural Science and Technology of Natural Resources
a.Minyak Earth
d.Hutan Animals and Livestock
Power f.Sumber radioactive substance
3.Dampak Natural Science and Technology of the Industry
4.Dampak Natural Science and Technology of Transportation and Communication
One of the needs of human life is to communicate between each other. To the knowledge of nature with the technology was donated to us all, such as print media, telegrafi, television and radio. Means of communication that are now introduced in developed countries, is a telecommunications satellite with a combined radio and television. With this tool, people can talk with talking opponent, so as if they look in the face each other. World of communication has developed rapidly with the aid of satellite telekomukiasi, where the first shock has occurred in 1962 with the Radio and TV broadcasts that can be received in the same time around the world separated by the Atlantic ocean, namely Europe, and the United States. Technology of communication with the growing of all the information can be delivered over the overlooks. People can quickly find out what events are going the other dibelahan earth. Distance of thousands of kilometers is not the gulf between two people or more who want to communicate. Dimungkinkannya reception with broadcast radio and television overlooks this earth, then the changes occur in the development of society caused by the rapid exchange of culture. The spread of knowledge that facilitate rapid mutual understanding among people around the world to become great.
A. The role of natural SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
Of human life requires material, both biotis and non-biotis. Biotis material things of life is a protein, while the material is nonbiotis objects do not survive as oxygen, stone, until the clothes we wear everyday. Objects are processed through technology, such as iron can be processed into another vehicle or object needs to manusia.i
The use of energy in the more widespread human life, in industry, transportation, and even households with the use of tools, electronic equipment such as AC, refrigerator, etc. (the form of electricity). Berwuwjud energy in various forms, namely the form of heat, movement (mechanics), light, chemical, nuclear, etc.. Forms of this can be changeable, for example, heat energy can be mechanical energy. This change occurred with the way the water into steam. Steam heat bertekanan the higher the rotor of a turbine. Movement turbine can be used for various purposes. Mechanical energy can also be changed into another form of energy, namely electricity, where the result of playing akan dynamo generated electricity. Electrical energy can also be modified chemical energy that is the way stream direction to the flow of electricity in chemical substances, for example, in penyepuhan. Similarly, the chemical energy can be changed back into electrical energy, light energy or the other. For example, on a stone battery, chemical energy that flowed diahsilkan if the bulb then will light energy. Pad the other cases, chemical energy can diunbah a fireworks explosion (heat and light energy). Ii
From the description above, it can be concluded that energy is eternal, or does not have the energy will be lost, but metamorphosis occurs energi.Berikut described several forms of energy used in daily life, such as electricity and nuclear energy that has been used by the state-negra maju.iii
a.Energi Electricity
Next will be discussed tendang power plant and its use for the equipment electronics.
1) Power Water Power
The principle of working PLTA are as follows:
From a dam, the water flowed through a tunnel by using the tool controller. Tunnel was constructed so that water falling from a height of 100 m or more to change the potential energy into mechanical energy is large. Water on the other end of the tunnel on hold by the water turbine mdan with encouragement eair, the turbine rotates. Turbine rotation is used to rotate the generator or engine power. Electricity generated by the generator and set tekanannya changed by a transformer. From here, power flowed to the regions that need. Before flowed to households, derived through voltasenya transformer so that more electricity generated in accordance with the needs of the household. Indonesia is usually used in the voltage 220 volt or 110 volt. AIT further out of the turbine that can be used for irrigation pertanian.iv
2) Power Diesel Power
Principle, almost the same as the PLTA, with the generator power, but the power of this diesel engine is used. Diesel engine chosen as an alternative because it can be placed according kebituhan, while diesel fuel is a much cheaper price than the price premium.v
On this type of power, electrical energy from chemical energy of combustion of diesel oil. This is an example of change in chemical energy into mechanical energy, and energy into electricity. Diesel oil itself actually comes from the times of ancient fossil life, while the fossil form of conservation of energy radiation from the sun through asimilasi. From here we can see the flow of energy changes that occur in nature. vi
3) Power Nuclear Power
Before discussing about the power nbuklir, will be discussed first on nuclear energy or nuclear energy itself. According to the theory of Rutherford and Bohr, atoms consist of electrons, electrons that encircle the core atom and had a negative power. vii
Core atom consists of a proton and a positive cargo netron the netral.Atom be the most simple atom is hydrogen (H) consisting of a proton and a core sebgai electrons that encircle the core of the skin. Atom is a simple Helium (He), which consists of 2 fruits and 2 fruits proton netron and 2 as the core electrons as fruit skins. Atom-atom of the atom that has a skin flake and core atomnya larger. For example uranium atom with a 7 layer skin electron atom with the number of 92, essentially consisting of 92 proton and 146 netron.viii
Nulir energy is energy that arises due to splitting the core atom. In general, the atom is parsed atom has a nucleus of a large atom, such as uranium. The principle of splitting the atom is to shoot with the results netron-shedding substances of other radioactive substances. Core atom split into parts of the small issue with a great energy and netron-netron the bersal of the core is broken. Nuclear energy is the energy that comes from the binding eneggi atom. Energy that is out beru [pa hot, hot in the reactor is absorbed by a liquid heat penyerap then flowed into the water so the water is boiling, and evaporate. This is the steam which is then used to drive a steam turbine generator power the next. So nuclear energy is not directly converted into electrical energy, but changed into heat energy and steam into energy. ix
Current outbreak defusi the atom called the nucleus (disintegration). Nuclear energy can also arise on the way, the two core tergabungnya atomic nucleus to be larger. For example, the two energy of hydrogen (Deuterium) is the core Helium (He ³) plus a netron. This event is called a fusion core. Core fusion produces enormous energy that can not be used for the hydrogen bomb. Until now, humans can not control the energy produced from fusion reactions for peaceful purposes. x
Next will be discussed tools electronics as the development of electrical energy. Tools are used widely in various fields, including fields of communication, information, transportation, etc.. One of the most frequently used and the progress that has grown very rapidly this is the computer.
4) Computers
Computer is pengembanga of discovery-discovery of electronic equipment that has been there before. After successfully finding Faraday electric energy, followed by the invention of light bulb by Thomas Edison and start Alfa pop electronic equipment such as a radio, television and the computer. And from the tool, people can find other tools, such as: xi
a) Phone Encyclopedia
People can play the numbers and the central computer ensilopedia akan mendapatan answers with appropriate information about the security issue or a topic in the withdrawal sabagai encyclopedia. Description can be obtained quickly as needed to play only with the phone number.
b) Household Robot servant
Adults can purchase this manusa robot-robot run by omputer for eperluan household. For example paaian for washing, washing dishes, making drinks, cut grass, cut trees, etc..
c) Consult with the Doctor Through Phone
People can play a central computer the phone number to get a doctor-diagnosis on the first level of health in relation to the subject feels. Diagnosis is obtained after the data is felt that symptoms included in the computer through the radio.
d) Shop By Phone / Internet
Now shopping can be done via phone and internet. Goods that can be purchased are items that have been distandardisasi in the supermarket. This can be done if people want to have a shopping catalog items to be purchased.
e) Information Center
Experts and specialists in various fields, such as lawyers, doctors, and engineers can easily obtain accurate data and information that is required or through the computer center because the information is able to store computer data / information, and many quickly return to the show that membutuhan .
f) Computer Simulation
The industrialist or entrepreneur can experiment simulatif the prototypes of a machine that is being designed by a designer. With the simulation, the cost can be esperimen become cheaper.
g) Robot Workers
The utilization of robots can be done by industrialist as workers in the factory so that work becomes more rapid, accurate, and possible to be cheaper. Robots are used in computers that have been programmed to work specifically. For example in a car factory robot perakit used car, used in factory peracik bread dough bread, etc..
h) Robot necessity for Scientific Experiments
Ilmuan in the developed countries take advantage of robot-robot that is driven in terprogram through omputer used for the experiment melakuan esplorasi or in places of risk jia performed by humans. For example, exploration in the month, the planet Mars, Venus, planet-planet or other radioactive compound in the experiment, etc..
i) Computer Analysis for Various necessity
Computers can be utilized for the purpose of which is very complex, for example, to meramalan weather. For government agencies, particularly the personnel, the computer will be very useful in storing data on energy in a range of government so that when necessary, can set the placement of recruitment is appropriate expertise efficiently.
Police state can identify with the villain-ssegala nature is through the computer so that you can quickly capture the memerisa and penjaat who like to follow with a crime or act the same way. When the computer has been used for translation, ie a language to translate directly into another language by using sound analysis. For example in the UN council, the council can use the headphone according to the language of domination.
Nuclear b.Energi
Next will be discussed about the nature and influence in the nuclear kehiduan man.
1) The influence of being Radiasi Life
Nature of the radioactive rays can be used for the eradication of pests, such as the insects that merusa coffee in the warehouse, the materials of wood, the material maanan, etc.. Killing of microbes can be used in principle pegawetan food, such as fish, rice, wheat, etc.. This can also be used in menyuci hamaan tools kedoteran, it is more practical arena membutuhan not heat that high can damage the equipment is. This does not require chemicals, in addition to the equipment can be sterilized in eadaan terbungkus rapikarena gamma rays can penetrate the wrapping and damage to kill the bacteria without wrapping.
Growth constraints
This can save the tubers for dimanfaatan, stem, etc. in the storage area.
Changes in nature-the nature of genetic
In genetic science, nature inherited through the genes found in the cell nucleus. Genetic change or mutation can change the default attributes maluk life. Radioactive rays can cause mtasi genetik.Sifat this is dimanfaatan to search for new seeds that is superior, for example, in rice, wheat, corn, etc..
2) Nuclear Pemuliaan for Rice and Other Tumbuhan
Nature of gamma rays can cause mutation of genes in the seeds can produce a mutant are beneficial for human life. For example, rice that age shorter, more fruit, pest-resistant, and so on. In addition to searching for a mutant resistant to drought with a goal to get the type of rice is planted on dry land (gogo).
On the same principle, mutation genes can also apply to other food plants, such as wheat, maize, corn, peanut, soybean, etc.. In this way there will be hope for us to obtain the type of plants that can meet human needs.
3) for the Nuclear Industry
Industrial wood
Wood quality can be improved with the soaking liquid in a timber of plastic material. Terseut material when the radiation will be plastic. Thus, the quality of the wood because the wood can be improved to become more hard and very resistant to bad weather and insect resistant to interference.
Fiber Textile Industry
Fiber-fiber fabrics from natural or artificial (poliester) can be changed so that the quality is better aan. Poliester sulir fibers absorb water so it feels hot. With the help of radiation, dibuatlah new nature that can absorb water and also easy to absorb color. Fiber polipropilen can also absorb water and heat resistant.
Skin Industries
Skin is used in industrial bags, shoes, etc. can ditingkataan ualitasnya with the radiation process. However, this process requires the right dose because if excessive can damage the skin.
Food canning industry
Curing is done in a way to kill germs pembusuk through radiation. Eunggulan how this is not membutuhan heating, evaporation, and without preservative, in addition to the food aan not damaged due to heating. Other advantage is the preservation of food has made ketia meeting terbungkus so that contamination does not occur after the curing process is done. Examples of food preserved in this manner is rice, potatoes, wheat, meat, dried fruits, vegetables and grains.
4) Nuclear for Health
In the health field, is used to make nuclear diagnosis in a disease. Its use in general is using X-ray, but the result is less satisfactory and have side effects. Diagnosed with substance radioatif short and small berdosis can memberian more information about the disease that exists in the body of the patient. An example is the use when determining the position of umor or cancer, lung rudiment, rudiment thyroid, kidney rudiment, etc..
5) in the Nuclear Industry Radiografi
Photo rays on a broken bone or lungs of a sick merupaan example use X-ray In the construction industry, psinsip that can be used to check the steel pipe-PIA, lunaskapal, etc.. By using gamma rays, the image can be more clear so that cracks can be more easily detected. In Indonesia, the technique has been used by PLN, Pertamina, PJKA, etc..
6) in the Nuclear Hidrology
In hydrology, radioatif substances used as perunut, with the road memasua substances radioatif to the system, then tingah lakunya dipantaudengan monitoring tools, eg, Geiger Teller. The results can provide information about the system, for example, seepage velocity, rembsan in the land, and the direction of seepage. Another example is the oxygen-oxygen monitor radioactive leakage conduit buried in the ground, the direction of water velocity, and ground water debit.
7) Nuclear Pollution environment for study
Can be used for nuclear mendetesi level of radioactive contamination with a compound know as perunut for the distribution, accumulation, and the nature of pollutant in the environment. For example, the amount of heavy metal elements, attributes of the remaining pesticides, etc.. This basically can help people to protect themselves against the danger of pollution that occur in the environment.
Premium a.Mesin
This machine consists of the cylinder, piston and wheel successor. Premium is mixed with air (O2) terpercik rise to power take-off by burning. Premium gasify, menimbulakn great pressure, and teanan that mendorog piston and the wheel and the next successor will cause movement in other components.
b.Mesin Diesel
The principle of the diesel engine is the same as the premium engine, which is to distinguish the form of diesel fuel.
c.Mesin Steam
This machine is a machine that is found early, the fuel comes from the steam obtained from the heating water. If the number of molekulnya the meeting, will cause more pressure and this pressure was changed into mechanical energy. This engine uses fuel wood or coal. This system is still used in nuclear power plants.
d.Mesin Jet
This machine is widely used in aircraft. Arranged on the tube pembaaran the refractory, a mouth to enter the air tube into the burner, compressor and shaft gas waster in the back. Further developed this engine into turbo engine. Fuel used by the jet engine is a liquid that burned in the burner tube which had been mixed with oxygen or air.
Media communication is very important, there has been since the early 15 th century with the newspaper. With the mass media, information can spread in the community even with the limited means of transportation available.
Ditemuan tool in the early 18-century and continue to progress. In the 19th century, it has to reach Europe and North America. Lat Eunggulan this is can melaukan communication distance in a short time.
The tool is found by Bell in 1876 after finding telegraph. Excellence is the phone can communicate directly, such as two-way conversation in general.
This tool does not require wires or cables such as telephone or telegraph. Messages sent through this transmitter in the air. With this tool, communication can be done by seamen in the middle of the sea.
e.Bioskop or Live Picture
These complement the information presented as the voice arena sealigus picture.
Menajuban findings is that in the 20th century this arena can transmit live images and sound. This information can be accessed by most people because television is not that strange. With satellite television emanated so that viewers can enjoy television entertainment and information that is presented.
g.Satelit Communication
Principles such as using satellite days that always beset the earth and does not fall, with memanfaatan tensile strength and decline with the decline earth. Satellite communication memancaran working in broadcast radio and televisisekalipun are in a different hemisphere. Satellites are also working in the field of defense and security and development.
a.Bioteknologi Medical
Midwives in the medical technology used in the X-ray in Radiology, in addition to the laser ray is used for operating equipment in the human body. Utilization of technology is to wash hamakan medical equipment using radioactive rays. The invention of the more sophisticated sperm banks and frozen tube baby, but this is still a kotroversi because of restrictions and religious norms. Through the role of technology, pencangkokan body organs can be done well. Reayasa with the creation of genetic vaccine can be made so that treatment can be done completely. Hemofili disease can also be cured with genetic engineering.
b.Bioteknologi Pharmaceuticals
Through technology, have been found
c.Bioteknologi Agriculture
d.Bioteknologi Husbandry
1.Dampak Natural Sciences and Technology Needs of the Main
2.Dampak Natural Science and Technology of Natural Resources
a.Minyak Earth
d.Hutan Animals and Livestock
Power f.Sumber radioactive substance
3.Dampak Natural Science and Technology of the Industry
4.Dampak Natural Science and Technology of Transportation and Communication
One of the needs of human life is to communicate between each other. To the knowledge of nature with the technology was donated to us all, such as print media, telegrafi, television and radio. Means of communication that are now introduced in developed countries, is a telecommunications satellite with a combined radio and television. With this tool, people can talk with talking opponent, so as if they look in the face each other. World of communication has developed rapidly with the aid of satellite telekomukiasi, where the first shock has occurred in 1962 with the Radio and TV broadcasts that can be received in the same time around the world separated by the Atlantic ocean, namely Europe, and the United States. Technology of communication with the growing of all the information can be delivered over the overlooks. People can quickly find out what events are going the other dibelahan earth. Distance of thousands of kilometers is not the gulf between two people or more who want to communicate. Dimungkinkannya reception with broadcast radio and television overlooks this earth, then the changes occur in the development of society caused by the rapid exchange of culture. The spread of knowledge that facilitate rapid mutual understanding among people around the world to become great.